Microcad Software S.L. - Interior design software specialists


We at Microcad Software are committed to providing our customers with excellent products and services. Our services include technical support, training, and subscription programs. We strive to provide these services in an efficient and friendly manner.
Microcad Software - Technical support


Do not get overwhelmed when you have a question. Call or email our Technical and Support Department about the installation or operation of your program. The friendly and personal treatment by our technicians is one of the positive aspects most valued by our customers.

Microcad Software - Training programs


The extent and method of training may vary by product. In addition, we offer basic and advanced training programs. The training is usually conducted remotely via a virtual meeting, and occasionally on-site.

Our training programs allow you to take full advantage of your software investment, and help you stay up-to-date in terms of your software skills.

Microcad Software - Constantly updated software


Sit back and enjoy the power and reliability of our programs. We consider all of our software programs to be dynamic, evolving products that need to be updated on a regular basis. These updates can consist of adding new catalog items, or adding new software functionality. Whichever the case, software updates always make for better products. Customers can update their software as new releases come to the market. In addition, the subscription service allows users to sign up for updates for a year ahead of time and at a reduced cost. Subscribers also get additional benefits.

Microcad Software - Support Center on all of our products websites


Our product websites include a section for support and documentation. Access to the support area is free for all users with a registered software license. We regularly post the latest documentation in PDF format, and video tutorials on specific aspects of the software. You will also find satisfaction and improvement surveys and a Frequently Asked Questions area.

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